The Real Reason Why Friends Always Have To Agree

Friends have to agree because people who have friends are usually more content and less lonely. They get more positive interactions and they’re generally happier with life than those without friends.

What is the real reason why friends always have to agree?

There are a few different theories as to why friends always seem to have to agree. One popular theory is that it’s simply a way to maintain friendships. If friends are constantly disagreeing, it can put a strain on the relationship. Another theory is that friends agree because they share similar worldviews and values. This allows them to see eye-to-eye on most things, which makes agreement much easier. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that agreement is important to many friendships.

Why does it happen?

We all know the feeling: you and your friends are talking about something and suddenly you realize that you don’t agree. It’s like a switch goes off in your head and you become acutely aware of the fact that you’re on different sides of the issue. You start to feel uncomfortable, even though you’re with people you trust.

There are a few reasons why this phenomenon occurs. First, when we’re with friends, we tend to let our guard down and be more honest about our opinions. This openness can lead to conflict if our friends have different views than we do.

Second, we often view our friends as extensions of ourselves. Therefore, when they hold a different opinion than we do, it feels like they are disagreeing with us directly. This can be especially tough if the issue is something that we’re passionate about.

Lastly, we may avoid conflict with our friends because we want to maintain harmony in the relationship. In other words, we may sacrifice our own opinions in order to keep the peace.

How can we change this?

It’s human nature to want to be liked and accepted by others. This desire is what drives most people to seek out friends and try to fit in with groups. However, this need for approval can also lead to conflict within relationships. When two people are trying to be friends, they may find themselves disagreeing on things more often than they’d like.

The root of this problem is that we expect our friends to always agree with us. We want them to share our opinions and support us when we’re feeling down. But the reality is that no one can always agree with another person 100% of the time. And that’s okay! In fact, it’s healthy for friends to have different opinions and perspectives on things. It allows for growth and learning on both sides.

So how can we change this dynamic? How can we allow for disagreement without jeopardizing our friendships?

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Communicate with your friend about why you value their opinion, even if you don’t always agree with it.
  • Try to see things from their point of view and understand where they’re coming from.
  • Respectfully share your own opinion, even if it differs from theirs.
  • Be open to changing your mind if they make a valid argument.
  • Don’t take disagreements personally – remember that you’re still friends despite differing opinions!

How can you avoid forcing your opinion on others without agreement?

If you want to avoid forcing your opinion on others, it’s important to be respectful of other people’s opinions, even if you don’t agree with them. If someone disagrees with you, try to understand their point of view and have a discussion about why you disagree. Sometimes people just need to express their opinion in order to feel heard. However, if someone is constantly trying to push their opinion on you without respecting your own, it’s okay to set boundaries and assert yourself. Let them know that you’re not going to change your mind and they should respect your opinion as well.


Friends always have to agree because they care about each other and want to maintain their friendship. It’s not always easy to see eye-to-eye on everything, but it’s worth it to keep the peace and keep your friend close. If you’re having trouble agreeing with your friends, try to remember why you’re friends in the first place and how much you care about them. A little understanding can go a long way.

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